Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Just flying by the seat of my butt... or the pants of my seat... or... my pants have... wings... what?

Life has been nutty lately.  I can't go to grad school because I gots no monies, so I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to be in Provo, Boise, or stuck in Rexburg next year.  My vote is NOT stuck in Rexburg.  Whatever the case, I need to be taking sax lessons from someone in order to improve my skillz, so either Ray Smith in Provo, Sandon in Boise, or Brent in Twin Falls.  But whatever the case, I'm going to be in Rexburg all summer trying not to be in it.

My love life can be summed up in the following two music videos, Ben Harper being my mature response to my situation and Radiohead being my immature response.  Both responses help me get through it.

Basically she said she didn't want me, acted like she really did want me, I gambled and finally professed my undying love, oops I should have done that three months ago, her true soul mate showed up over the weekend in Baxter-like fashion, my heart kicked me in the groin, and now I'm off to buy me a gromwell and start afresh.  BUT I shouldn't make too light of the situation in that I think it was an important growing experience for the both of us and it's never a waste to have made a great friend.

Last night I hung out with Sara Z for the last time ever possibly.  It was nice to have finally become friends again after a year of weirdness.  In other girl news, I very randomly met someone last Wednesday on my last day of school with whom I'm definitely going to travel the world and overcome world hunger (or, um, maybe just watch a lot of foreign films), but first she really wants to take me to BJ's Bayou and introduce me to the ghost in the green dress.

Funny story that sounds awfully arrogant coming from me but is still funny: Last Thursday Emily and I were Googling our names and my name popped up on a blog entitled "You know you're a music major when..." where several BYU-I vocal major girls had listed their ideas.  One of them said that you know you're a music major when at least five of your friends have had a crush on me at some point or another.  I laughed and left a facetious comment but then erased it because I didn't want to seem like TOO much of a jerk.  Plus some of these girls had been my students in the past so... probably not a great idea.  Oh, and that was my last night seeing Em before she leaves on her mission.  It's definitely been an emotional week of "goodbye, I may never see you again."

This week I'm going to take a vacation to Salt Lake and hang with Sarah for a few days.  It was supposed to be a camping trip, but that fell through, so now I'm just gonna camp at her place.  We'll probably get matching tattoos.  At any rate, it will be nice to escape.  Sarah's a genius by the way.  BOTH the U of U and BYU child development programs have figured out a way to work with her for her masters because they both really liked her, although officially she'll be enrolled at BYU.  She's so popular.

Well the next time I write I hope to know what I'm actually doing with my life in the upcoming year!


  1. I wanna go to BJ's Bayou so bad! I don't know why I'd never heard of this place before, or why its suddenly become so popular. I'm so intrigued.

    Quote from Jim Crouch: "Oh, you know Shaun. All he has to do is walk in the Snow Building, toss his curly hair, and the girls come flocking."

    If it makes you feel any better, I still don't know what I'll be doing, oh, NEXT WEEK. Hopefully the federal government will give me hella dollars and everything will be easy. Or Roger and Heidi will call me back and tell me what's going on. I'll keep you posted.
