Well we left for Utah on Tuesday to hang with the fambly. We were supposed to have this second Christmas on New Years Eve the next day when the nieces and nephews would open presents from the other side of the family, but Janice and Gabe were still getting over something and Rachel suddenly got sick that night, so it didn't work out. PLUS Gabe and Sophie decided Wednesday morning to make nests out of all this dried spaghetti and sauce which the dogs then devoured, making a big mess, and then somehow they were able to climb way way up to the top of these shelves and get the WD-40 which they used up spraying down the dogs' hair. Needless to say, they got in a lot of trouble.
Sarah and I went cross country skiing at Sundance which was fun even though it was really icy. It turned out they closed at 5:00 PM so we were only out there for like an hour and a quarter, and since we paid about $27 apiece to do it, it was kind of the equivalent of going to a really really expensive movie. We returned to grandma's to clean up and go party and Sarah assured me we could eat at her brother Bob's house. Sarah's brother Bob and sister Karin and their families were having this big get-together, so there were kids running all over the place shooting people with Nerf-like guns that seem to be getting more and more lethal. But as for dinner, it turned out to be chips, crackers, salsa, shrimp, and spring rolls. Sarah's family is really cool, so we had fun. We took off to pick up Sarah's friend, took the Trax down town, dropped by a hotel where Kurt was playing piano and Sarah's friend Nate was playing bass, walked forever to drop by a little party thrown by some of Sarah's married friends, started a game of Apples to Apples but left ten minutes into it, were wished a "Happy F****** New Year!" by a guy walking down the street by himself with headphones who was twirling these flashing balls on a string, got to our train two minutes late, waited forever for the next train, spent midnight singing Auld Lang Sing on it, swung by the U of U Institute Dance to go to the bathroom, made fun of the guy sitting by himself playing classical music on the piano to get the ladies' attention, drove to the Arts Center and finished the night dancing to techno music for over an hour with an indie crowd while like half the people there came up to Sarah to say hi to her. And her last boyfriend was there who hates her and didn't say hi even though we were like ten feet away from him the whole time in this kind of small room. I stayed the night at Sarah's and we made waffles and watched White Christmas the next morning, which to my utter surprise, I had never seen before. I just figured I had because I can't count the number of times I've been with a group of people and someone says, "Oh let's watch White Christmas! It's my favorite!" Then I got picked up in the afternoon and headed back to the Burg. Given the fact that my New Years usually suck, this one was actually a lot of fun for the adventure of it all.
Then today, this happened...

You can't see it too well, but I shaved half of my mustache and one side of my face so that I would have this spiral starting at my nose and going around my chin and up to my ear.

I could have been a Mennonite.

El producto final. Hot damn.
#1. You should have left your facial hair like that.
ReplyDelete#2. They used up the WD-40 on the DOG?! I'm so excited to have children.
#3. Happy F-----g New Year! I'm glad yours was fun. Someday I'll tell you about the lamest New Years ever, which was mine this year.
#4. I can't believe you've gone for so much of your life without ever having seen "White Christmas." Even though if you think about it, there really isn't a whole lot in it about Christmas. Only like...the first and last scenes. Although here's a cool bit of trivia...Vera Ellen (the not-Rosemary Clooney female lead) only started dancing when she was 12 years old (which is kinda late for a dancer) and it was only because her doctor recommended it as therapy for her POLIO. And look how far she came. =)